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We want to offer you the best experience when working on your new website. Below you can find general information about editing Webflow sites.


Happy to have you here

Whether you just bought Pamela Folio Template, or are simply having a look, we are happy to have you here. As you might know, Pamela Folio is built on Webflow - the powerful no-code tool for creating websites. If you are already familiar with it, I'm sure editing this template will be a piece of cake.

This documentation covers general rules of working with Webflow that we thought are worth sharing.

If you are new to Webflow

On the other hand, if it's your first time using Webflow, you might want to have a look at Webflow university and their 101 crash course.


Below you can find some general rules regarding styling your template.


In Pamela Folio Template template we've used Color Swatches. It means that you can change color in one place, and it will be applied to all the elements that share the same swatch.

To change color swatches:

  1. Click on the element with the color you want to edit.
  2. In the styles tab on the right, find the color option (ex. Text color)
  3. Click on the color square.
  4. Once the little pop-up opens, click the edit icon and choose a new color.
  5. Click save.

See the video below for mini-tutorial.


Pamela Folio Template is using one additional fonts, called Satoshi. It can be downloaded at Fontshare. These fonts iare 100% free for personal and commercial use.

Satoshi is applied to the Body of the website, and because of that, it is automatically applied to all paragraphs and text blocks. You can change it globally by:

  1. Selecting "Body"
  2. In the styles tab on the right, click selector and select "Body (All pages)"
  3. Scroll down to "Typography" and change for the desired font.

See the video below for mini-tutorial:

Satoshi is also applied to headings (H1-H6). You can also edit them same way by:

  1. Selecting heading type you want to edit
  2. In the styles tab on the right, click selector and select "All H(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Headings"
  3. Scroll down to "Typography" and change for the desired font.


All of the icons are in the .svg format, so changing the Color Swatches on the website will not affect them. You can download these icons from the "Assets -> Icons" tab, and edit them in your design software (Photoshop, Figma, Sketch etc.). You can also upload your own icons directly.


Below you can find some general tips on editing template's copy and images.

Static content vs. dynamic content

When it comes to copy, in Webflow we distinguish two different copy types - static content and dynamic content (CMS).

To quickly distinguish these copy types you can have a look in the navigator tab, where static content will be displayed using white font.

Static content in the navigator tab

And dynamic content will be displayed using purple font color.

Dynamic content in the navigator tab

You can also directly see which element is static and which dynamic, by directly hovering over it in the designer space. The static content will have a blue border around it.

Static content in the designer area has blue border

And dynamic content's border will be purple.

Dynamic content has purple border in the designer area

Editing static content

Every copy, but the CMS related one, is a static content. It means that you need to edit it directly on the page.

You can edit static content in two ways:

  1. In the "Designer mode" simply double click on the text you want to edit, and change it. Webflow will autosave it for you.
  2. In "Editor mode" similarly click on the text and change it.

Check the video below to see how to edit static content in the "Designer mode".

Editing dynamic content

Editing dynamic content is very easy, but can be a little confusing at the beginning. This type of content you will need to edit through collections. Once you get it, it's as simple as filling in the web form.

To edit dynamic content:

  1. Go to CMS Collections on the left side, and find the collection you want to edit (ex. Blog).
  2. Click on the collection item (ex. specific blog post).
  3. Change the inputs that you want to edit (ex. Blog post title)
  4. Save and it's done.

You can read more about editing collections and working with Webflow CMS on their university page.

Editing (static) images

There's two different image types used in this template - normal image and background image. You might notice that we used normal images mostly for icons, and the big images are implemented as a background image.

To edit normal image:

  1. Find the image you want to change and select it.
  2. In settings tab on the right click replace image and choose the new one.

To edit background image:

  1. Find the element with the background image (ex. Section, Div) and select it.
  2. In styles tab, scroll down to the background image settings and click on the image settings.
  3. In the little pop-up select "choose image" to select a different image.

Have a look at the video below to see how to edit background image.

Editing products (eCommerce)

Editing your eCommerce products is very similar to editing dynamic content.

To edit your products:

  1. Go to "Ecommerce" and click on "Products". Find the product you want to edit and select it.
  2. Once in the product edit all the fields you want.
  3. Save and it's done!


If you purchased Pamela Folio Template we offer you basic support. For questions directly related to our template please leave us an email on

For questions connected to using Webflow as a tool please have a look at their university or contact their support.

If you are looking for somebody to customize your template just let us know at